While physical fitness keeps our bodies in shape, meditation is an exercise for the mind and mental wellness is essential to living a happy, productive life.
What you will learn? 
The Guided Meditation practice involves three simple steps:
- Relaxation
- Rejuvenation
- Meditation
Relaxation brings your body to a calm, steady posture creating a stillness at the physical level, and prepares the mind for meditation. We follow this with a Rejuvenation method to detox the mind to let go of stress and complex emotions, and will leave you feeling light and refreshed. Lastly, learning to meditate by being mindful of your heart will connect you with yourself by listening to your heart’s voice. This is the art of Heartfulness Meditation.
A certified trainer joins the team via Zoom meeting every Friday from noon to 12:30 p.m. (except during university holidays) and guides the group through each meditation session. All U-M students, faculty, and staff are welcome to join at no cost. No prior experience with meditation is required. You can continue this practice at home and the trainer will continue to help you with any questions you have.
Advanced Wellness techniques are taught on the first Friday of the Month and that session will be about 45 mins.
- Fridays from 12-12:30 pm (except during university season days / holidays)
- How: Join via Zoom Meeting
- Register to receive Zoom Meeting ID & Passcode
Join the Meditation-for-wellness Mcommunity group for updates
Session Details
Remote, Zoom Remote
, Off Campus (view map)
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Session level: All
Sponsor(s): ITS Teaching and Learning
Presenter(s): Pushyami Gundala