WI25 Study Group Workshop: Bridging Different Skills in Study Groups (Private)

Monday, 2/3, 4:00 pm-4:45 pm

NOTE: This is a training workshop for Science Learning Center Staff only. Please do not register if you do not work for the SLC. Thank you!


Study group ought to benefit all participants, regardless of their prior level of skill or understanding. In fact, it is often different skill levels that make study groups a valuable resource for students. In this workshop, we’ll talk about how to identify different skill levels in your study group and ways to accommodate different skill levels to ensure each member gets something out of the session.

Session Details

Science Learning Center Flex Space, 1720E Chemistry Building
930 North University, Central Campus (view map) pop up map

Session level: All
Sponsor(s): Science Learning Center
Presenter(s): Sabrina Wong

This session is currently Open.

Registration is currently closed.