SLC Study Group Facilitator Interviews are open only to invited applicants. Only applicants who received an email invitation from the SLC Study Group program may register for this interview. All interviews are group interviews. We strongly recommend you read all information related to SLC Study Groups and the Study Group Facilitator position available on our website ( prior to the interview. Business casual attire is appropriate.
Please do not register for more than one interview session, and do not register for full sessions. If you are not available at any of the open interview times, or have any questions, please contact us at You should also contact us if you change or cancel your interview less than 48 hours before it is scheduled.
All Interviews will be conducted IN-PERSON.
All interviews start promptly at the time noted. Please choose a day/time that will allow you to arrive a few minutes early. If you arrive late, you may not be permitted to join the interview.
Session Details
Science Learning Center Satellite Location, 2165 Undergraduate Science Building (USB)
204 Washtenaw Avenue, Central Campus (view map)
pop up map
Session level: All
Sponsor(s): Science Learning Center
Presenter(s): Kelley Emerson, Holly Ploch