WI25 Study Group Workshop: Bridging Different Skills in Study Groups (Private)

Thursday, 4/3, 5:00 pm-5:45 pm

NOTE: This is a training workshop for Science Learning Center Staff only. Please do not register if you do not work for the SLC. Thank you!


Hosting a study group often means supporting students of various levels of experience and skill levels. Some members will be more familiar with the relevant content, some may even be doing research in a related field, and for some, this may be their first exposure to the material. In this workshop, we will go over key techniques and strategies that will allow for effective collaboration between students with varying levels of familiarity with the material, as well as the benefits of working with peers of different skill levels.

Session Details

2212 Modern Language Building (MLB)
812 East Washington, Central Campus (view map) pop up map

Session level: All
Sponsor(s): Science Learning Center
Presenter(s): Sneha Dinda

This session is currently Open.