WI25 Study Group Workshop: Coping with Academic Stress (Private)

Wednesday, 2/19, 9:00 am-9:45 am

NOTE: This is a training workshop for Science Learning Center Staff only. Please do not register if you do not work for the SLC. Thank you!


Academic stress, we all know it. Sometimes it slowly creeps up on us, sometimes it hits us straight on. In the busy life of a college student, it’s important to have healthy and safe coping habits regarding academic stress. This workshop will focus on practical physical and mental strategies for managing and reducing academic stress.

Session Details

Science Learning Center Flex Space, 1720E Chemistry Building
930 North University, Central Campus (view map) pop up map

Session level: All
Sponsor(s): Science Learning Center
Presenter(s): Maneet Angra

This session is currently Open.

Registration is currently closed.