Cool Toys Conversations: GenAI and the Holidays

Tuesday, 12/17, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

an image of the Cool Toys logoThe Cool Toys Conversations hosts open casual conversations via Zoom on emerging technologies and trends, and their potential impacts on (and opportunities/risks for) academic, clinical, and personal work/life, from research to office to home. Our motto is: Who is lifted up? Who is left out? Our focus this year is to examine the presence, absence, or influence of the human element in artificial intelligence and related technologies. 

The topic for this bonus holiday session of the Cool Toys Conversations group is how GenAI impacts on holidays, from travel planning to marketing to things people do, and more. 

For updates & conversation with the Cool Toys Conversation community, please join the email group CoolToysConversations in M-Community or send a request to: <>.



This is an online session and the Zoom information will be sent to you 5-10 minutes after you register, as well as two days before the session in a Session Reminder email.

Session Details

Online Class See description
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Session level: All
Sponsor(s): UM Library
Presenter(s): Patricia Anderson (@pfanderson)

This session is currently Past.

Registration is currently closed.