Introduction to the Linux Command Line

Thursday, 3/6, 1:00 pm-4:00 pm

This course will familiarize the student with the basics of accessing and interacting with Linux computers using the GNU/Linux operating system’s Bash shell, also generically referred to as “the command line”. Topics include: a brief overview of Linux, the Bash shell, navigating the file system, basic commands, shell redirection, permissions, processes, and the command environment. The workshop will also provide a quick introduction to nano a simple text editor that will be used in subsequent workshops to edit files.




Kenneth Weiss
IT Project Senior Manager
Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics

Ken is a High Performance Computing Consultant with the Health Information Technology & Services (HITS) Academic IT – HPC team at the University of Michigan. He works with a team of IT specialists to provide high performance computing support and training for the Medical School. Prior to this, he spent 21 years managing research computing, including an HPC cluster, for Dr. Charles Sing in the Human Genetics Department.

Richard Merkle
Health Information Technology & Services



You will need VPN software to access the U-M network.  If you do not have VPN software already installed, please download and install the Cisco AnyConnect VPN software following these instructions.  You will need VPN to be able to use the ssh client to connect to training host. Please use the ‘Campus All traffic’ profile in the Cisco client.

You will need an ssh client to connect to the training host. Mac OS X and Linux platforms have this built-in. Here are a couple of choices for Windows platforms:

  • Download and install U-M PuTTY/WinSCP from the Compute at the U website. This includes both the PuTTY ssh client and terminal emulator and a graphical file transfer tool in one installer.  This document describes how to download and use this software.  A demonstration of this software will be given during class.  You must have administrative authority over your computer to install this software.
  • Download PuTTY directly from the developer. Download the putty.exe application listed under “Alternative binary files,”, then execute the application.  You do not need administrative authority over your computer to use this software.

During class you will be given the name of the training host to be able to participate in the hands-on activities.

A Zoom link will be provided to the participants the day before the class. Registration is required.  Please note, this session will be recorded.  

Instructor will be available at the Zoom link, 15 minutes before the start of class for computer setup assistance.

If you have questions about this workshop, please send an email to the instructor at

Session Details

Your Desktop Remote
, Off Campus (view map) pop up map

Session level: Beginner
Sponsor(s): Advanced Research Computing
Presenter(s): Richard Merkle, Rachel Sutton, Kenneth Weiss

This session is currently Open.