Cancelled – From Data to Action: Harnessing Learning Analytics in Your Course

Thursday, 1/23, 12:00 pm-1:30 pm

From Data to Action: Harnessing Learning Analytics in Your Course

Delve into the world of learning analytics with this session designed to enhance your teaching and learning strategies. We’ll start with the basics, defining learning analytics and how it can inform educational practice. Explore readily available tools like Canvas New Analytics, MiVideo Analytics, and My Learning Analytics (MyLA- more info below) that offer actionable insights about engagement and performance for you and your students. Finally, preview the self-paced Stepping Stones learning analytics course available to continue your learning.

My Learning Analytics (MyLA) is a dashboard that provides students with information about their engagement with course materials and resources, assignments, and grades in a Canvas course.


  • Defining Learning Analytics
  • Canvas New Analytics, MiVideo Analytics, and My Learning Analytics (MyLA)
  • Why use MyLA in your Canvas course?
  • Preview the self-paced Stepping Stones learning analytics course

This workshop will take place online via Zoom. All sessions will be recorded and shared with participants, as well as posted to ITS Teaching & Learning Workshops MiVideo channel. (Please register for this session to receive communications regarding the session and the follow-up materials (slides and session recording).

For the full ITS Instructional Support workshop schedule, visit:

Session Details

Remote, Check Session Description for URL Remote
, Off Campus (view map) pop up map

Session level: Beginner
Sponsor(s): ITS Teaching and Learning
Presenter(s): Jennifer Love

This session is currently Cancelled.

Registration is currently closed.