Preparing for Research Abroad

Monday, 2/10, 11:00 am-12:30 pm

In advance of the deadline for applications to the Rackham International Research Awards (Feb 15), this hybrid session will offer general guidance for students and scholars who are planning to conduct research in archives, libraries and other cultural institutions abroad.

The instructors will focus on identifying collections and materials of interest, gathering required documents and permissions for access, making contacts with local experts and institutions, travel and safety considerations, and technology planning. Followed by Q&A.

Please register to attend in person or via zoom. The zoom link will be sent after you have registered.

Session Details

Gallery Lab, 100 Hatcher Graduate Library
913 South University, Central Campus (view map) pop up map

Session level: All
Sponsor(s): UM Library
Presenter(s): Wyatt Boykin, Peter Knoop (@knoop), Edras Rodríguez-Torres, Keiko Yokota-Carter

This session is currently Open.

Registration is currently closed.