U-M Library Basics – Central Campus

Friday, 8/9, 9:00 am-10:00 am

Gain insight into the resources and services available at the U-M Library and learn strategies for efficiently finding information for your research projects.

Join a U-M Librarian as the questions below are explored:

  • How can I access library resources remotely or in person?
  • How can I find scholarly books and articles?
  • What are some of the research tools the library provides that can help me with my research?

This session is specifically for international students and scholars and is co-sponsored by the International Center and the U-M Library

Attendee message: This session will be presented online via Zoom. You will receive a Zoom invitation after you have registered.

Session Details

Remote, Zoom Remote
, Off Campus (view map) pop up map

Session level: All
Sponsor(s): International Center, UM Library
Presenter(s): Gabriel Duque

This session is currently Past.

Registration is currently closed.