1:1 Drop-In Office Hours- Teaching with Generative AI and ITS AI Services
Join drop-in office hours with ITS Teaching & Learning and the ITS AI Service Teams to get your questions about teaching with Generative AI and AI tools at U-M answered. We will use the remote office hours queue tool to offer quick, 10-15-minute, 1:1 drop-in sessions to answer questions and offer support.
Visit the ITS Instructional Support Generative AI Workshop Series page to view the full Generative AI Workshop series. Visit the GenAI MiVideo playlist to watch the series on demand.
Visit the ITS AI Services page to learn more about AI services at U-M.
Zoom join URL: https://umich.zoom.us/j/98888582214
Session Details
Remote, Check Session Description for URL Remote
, Off Campus (view map)
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Session level: Beginner
Sponsor(s): Teaching and Technology Collaborative
Presenter(s): Angela Marocco